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The expert committee of the PSM Awards 2019 gathers Ukrainian financial and e-commerce specialists.

Alexei Zhmerenetsky

Member of the "Servant of the People" political party parliamentary faction.

Head of the interfactional deputy association Blockchain4Ukraine at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine since October 2019.

Coordinates more than 50 deputies on the preparation of draft laws aimed at legalization of virtual assets and introduction of blockchain technology in Ukraine.

Alexey oversaw the preparation of the blockchain program for Yulia Tymoshenko’s New Course campaign for the 2019 presidential election. He was also a program coordinator at the Kyiv International Economic Forum.

He coordinated the activity of the Kolo business club, which brings together leading experts, politicians and entrepreneurs of Ukraine for the implementation of state and business development projects.

He founded the Foundation For Future, the futurological think tank, where he was involved in developing the framework of an innovative institutional model of Ukraine.

Oleksii has two degrees: a master’s degree in information design technologies from the Khmelnytskyi National University and in electronic management from the National Presidential Academy of Public Administration.

The Blockchain4Ukraine under Olexii’s guidance has already prepared and registered a package of draft laws on blockchain technology at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine:

  • Amendments to the draft law №2110 «on public registries»;

  • Amendments to the draft law №2179 «on prevention of the laundering of the proceeds of crime»;

  • Draft law №2461 «to amend the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the taxation of crypto assets».

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