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The expert committee of the PSM Awards 2019 gathers Ukrainian financial and e-commerce specialists.

Sergey Skabelkin

Co-founder of FinTech Cluster based in Ukraine. Since 2012, Sergey is the Vice-president at the Ukrainian E-Commerce Business Association. An expert in FinTech and mobile banking, business architect of mobile wallets and online services.

More than 10 years of successful work in the banking sector: Privat Bank CB (project "Privat Credit"), Russian Standard Bank LLC, Swedbank JSC (public), AlfaBank PJSC, LifeMid Venture Fund (project " LifePad ”), CJSC Smartfin (mPOS terminals 2CAN), PJSC“ FidoBank ”(FidoWallet project) and others.

Sergey actively participated in creation and promotion of several FinTech startups in the mPOS field, the fields of contactless payments based on NFC HCE CBPP technology, loyalty programs and mobile wallets. In addition, Sergey is an adviser and project manager of the current ICO - the Open Dollar project.

Sergey Scabelkin created SkaCoin, operating on the Waves platform, – the first token secured by the individual consulting service.

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General Partner

  • E-commerce partner

    tas logo
  • Payments partner

    platon logo
  • InfoTech partner

    liga zakon logo
  • FinTech partner

    moneyveo logo
  • IT partner

    moneyveo logo

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