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The jury that will take part in the voting is still being formed. The expert commission of PSM Awards 2023 will include specialists in the field of finance and e-commerce in Ukraine.

Valerii Novikov

Valeriy Novikov is one of the leading specialists at Mastercard in the implementation of fintech solutions in Ukraine. Valeriy has 15 years of experience in the financial sector, and for over eight years, together with the Mastercard team, he has been launching new technologies and services that are changing the payment market and bringing Ukrainians closer to a cashless world. Under Valeriy\'s leadership, a number of innovative projects have been implemented, including online fuel payment through mobile applications of gas station networks without the need to leave the car; cashless tips with the CashlessTips QR service, as well as a range of other digital smart city services in urban infrastructure. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Valeriy and his team have expanded the availability of financial services, which have become particularly important for Ukrainians. For example, the \"Cash at the Till\" service, which allows withdrawing cash directly at the point of sale during shopping, has effectively doubled the network of ATMs in the country. Another service, \"Cash to Card,\" allows users to top up their cards with cash directly at the till, significantly saving time and eliminating the need to look for self-service terminals.

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