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Raiffeisen Bank
Raiffeisen Bank
Taking into account the legal restrictions and the turbulence of regulation of foreign exchange in the period during the war, the challenge for banks was the rapid implementation of all controls, customer support at all stages of making and processing payments is established deadlines. In order to make international payments, it is important for the client to know in a timely manner:
  1. which operations are allowed
  2. which packages of documents are required for verification
  3. speed
  4. transparency of operations and the ability to track \\\"where is my payment?\\\"
Raiffeisen is a business partner in the field of international payments. Bank maximum focused efforts on the implementation of online services important for the client, which available 24/7 from anywhere in the world. For example, SWIFT Global payment innovation, the client\\\'s own currency account in Internet banking (Raiffeisen Business Online), a support hotline for currency supervision issues. For international customers as well it is possible to integrate payment traffic through the \\\"Payment Factory\\\" Raiffeisen International. For international corporations, integration and centralization processes became a must-be need, which the bank satisfied. The bank was able to prove practically internal processes to perfection and promptly makes adjustments to internal systems and inform clients in case of external influences such as regulatory changes from National Bank and legislation. Business clients of the bank receive a turnkey service:
  1. Consultation and support by a personal currency manager supervision of the foreign exchange agreement from the draft agreement to the actual transaction;
  2. Electronic document flow for providing the necessary documents to the bank;
  3. SWIFT GPI service. This technology increased the speed of receipt payments According to SWIFT statistics, almost half of all GPI payments is counted within 30 minutes, of which - 40% in less than 5 minutes and about 100% of all GPI payments are credited within 24 hours. Service Rife\\\'s GPI, which will help you understand where the payment is and whether is it credited to the counterparty, are there any problems with processing this payment in correspondent banks, whether an additional commission is charged, formation of a SWIFT message, if it is necessary to provide it counterparty;
  4. Sending payment to the SWIFT system in the new ISO20022 format (world payment standard), which allows to speed up and simplify the process payment processing by other SWIFT participating financial institutions. We can see the result of using the world standard in real life in client cases - crediting funds to the counterparty\\\'s account through 47 seconds after sending the payment by the Bank;
  5. Payment is processed according to verified documents according to agreements Bank for several hours.
We do not stop there and always provide the best service for our customers.

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