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The jury that will take part in the voting is still being formed. The expert commission of PSM Awards 2024 will include specialists in the field of finance and e-commerce in Ukraine.

Oleksandr Stelmakh

Oleksandr Stelmakh, Senior Director, Head of Digital Solutions for CISSEE, Visa Oleksandr Stelmakh is the Senior Director and Head of Digital Solutions team responsible for driving the innovations agenda for the 17 markets of CIS & SEE. His main areas of focus are Mobile Contactless & E-commerce Payments (based on Visa Token Service), Tap to phone and Digital Card Issuing. During 6 years at Visa, Oleksandr has launched numerous digital projects, including the implementation of Pay in 9 new markets and the first Tap to Phone project in CEMEA. Oleksandr joined Visa in 2018 bringing to the team 15 years of experience in retail banking, payment cards and mobile network operations. Immediately before joining Visa, he was Deputy Head of Retail Department at Pivdennyi bank (Ukraine) responsible for acquiring, retail products, payment cards and digital channels development. Before joining Pivdennyi bank Mr. Stelmakh worked for MobileTeleSystems MNO (now Vodafone) where he was managing the IT part of contact center operations. Oleksandr holds a master’s degree in Information Technologies from National Academy of Telecommunications (Ukraine).

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Hosted by Premier Palace Hotel


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