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Thank you! Your vote helps to enhance the quality of financial services and products.
Digital platforms and interfaces: PUMB Business offers the integration of a mobile application and a web platform for business clients, which allows them to manage accounts, make payments, and work with finances remotely. Automation and APIs: PUMB Business is actively implementing process automation and open APIs for integration with other financial and business platforms. This allows businesses to reduce administration costs and reduce the number of manual operations. Innovative solutions for corporate business: FUIB Business has a wide range of products for corporate business, including convenient payment tools and access to financing with minimal requirements. Security and accessibility: An important aspect is to strengthen security and data protection, which is important for digital banks. PUMB Business is actively working to improve cybersecurity, which adds to the confidence of businesses in the security of financial transactions. Partnerships with fintech companies: FUIB Business continues to expand its cooperation with fintech companies, creating new solutions and products that increase the efficiency of financial transactions and simplify processes for entrepreneurs.
Event Partner
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Payment Orchestration Partner
TechFin partner
Hosted by Premier Palace Hotel
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