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The jury that will take part in the voting is still being formed. The expert commission of PSM Awards 2023 will include specialists in the field of finance and e-commerce in Ukraine.

Svitlana Chirva

Svitlana manages the development of Visa\'s electronic payments business in Ukraine and Moldova, is responsible for relationships with bank clients, retail, and other market participants, as well as for expanding the company\'s presence in these countries and enhancing Visa\'s value proposition for company partners and Visa cardholders. Svitlana joined Visa in 2019 as a regional manager in Ukraine and Moldova. She has over 20 years of experience in the FMCG, insurance, and banking industries. Prior to Visa, she held the position of Deputy Chairman and a member of the board of one of the leading Ukrainian banks. In this position, Svitlana managed a team of more than 4,000 people, developed business strategy (for retail), collaborated with bank executives and regulatory authorities during conferences and round tables, and was responsible for cooperation with retail chains. Svitlana also represents the CIS and Southeastern Europe countries in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa (CEMEA) Women\'s Leadership Network and is a curator of women\'s leadership programs in the region. She holds a Master\'s degree in Business Administration from KMBS.

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