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Payspace magazine
Awards 2024

What to expect from the annual PSM AWARDS

  • 200+ Participants
  • 10+ nominations
  • 100K votes


The first PSM Awards took place in 2016. Since then, it has been held annually, rewarding the best companies and experts of the Ukrainian financial technologies market. The participation for market players is free.

More details

Stages of the PSM AWARDS 2024

Apply. Apply.

Submitting Applications

From 22.10.2024 to 26.11.2024


from 03.12.2024 to 15.01.2025

Awards ceremony

31 January 2025
Premier Palace Hotel

Participants about the PSM AWARDS

Payspace Magazine Awards is an analogue of the "Oscars" in Ukrainian fintech, which recognizes the best of the best in the most transparent way. At a time when our entire country is defending its own, and everyone is united by a single great goal - bringing victory closer - it is extremely important to recognize business representatives who do not only fight on the financial front, but also continue to introduce new technologies and products, once again proving that Ukraine is the capital of great people

Yevgen Lisnyak
Senior Director, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Fintech and Ventures at Visa CISSEE"

Critical moments call for breakthrough discoveries. They can only be achieved by true enthusiasts. Citizens, businesses and the payment industry should know and take pride in the best. Everyone is doing everything for Victory on their own front. And we must actively talk about our successes. That is why the PSM Awards recognition is so important for the Ukrainian fintech market.

Oleksandr Karpov
Director at Ukrainian Interbank Payment Systems Member Association "EMA"

First of all, owners and fouders need the PSM Awards to move forward and achieve their goals. At times like these, most projects are on the verge of survival, and not many manage to continue providing quality service to clients. Therefore, it is important to distinguish such companies with non-monetary motivation.

Nykyta Izmaylov
CEO & Founder at N1 investment fund

Holding the PSM Awards is important for three reasons: 1. To show that even in such times we should not stop in the technology development; 2. Distinguish those companies that mobilize all resources to create new products useful for society. 3. We must show the aggressor that we are strong, indestructible and capable of working for the common good, no matter what.

Pavel Sidelev
CTO at

Such events as the PaySpace Magazine Awards allow, even during the war, to feel unity with others and draw strength for further achievements and contribution to the Victory

Gela Slyusarchuk
СMO PSP Platon

Every year PaySpace Magazine Awards honors the best projects and experts in Ukrainian FinTech. This year, it is especially important for the industry to talk about achievements and new beginnings.

Oleksii Avramenko
CEO & Founder at EasyPay

PSM Awards is a prestigious award that annually recognizes the best Ukrainian fintech companies and motivates teams to become even better and not stopping in the permanent search and improvement of customer experience.

Oleg Gorokhovsky
Founder at monobank

In my opinion, the PSM Awards is one of the most professional events in our industry. But what sets it apart from many others is that it cannot be bribed! By receiving the award, your company can proudly say that it is recognized by the professionals in this market.

Denis Salun
Co-Founder at Card technology and system

The award from the most widely read zine about Fintech and for Fintech - PaySpace Magazine Awards - is a real red carpet event for the very best experts, companies, projects, and services in the financial market. Having been on the jury (which means being behind the scenes), I can say that the decisions are always difficult, but most definitely - objective.

Anastasiia Shevchenko
General Manager / Partner at Lugera Ukraine

Event Partner

  • Nomination partner

  • Nomination partner


Charity partner

  • Business Partner

  • Payment Orchestration Partner

  • TechFin partner

  • Partner

  • Partner


Hosted by Premier Palace Hotel


Supported by

Information partners


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