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Unbreakable FinTech

Financial companies and organizations that have played a key role in supporting Ukraine on its path to victory. PaySpace Magazine closed voting


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Maksym Tkachenko
Maksym Tkachenko
Maksym Tkachenko is the head of the legal department of the "SOS Credit" company. As far back as 2015, he started helping those who got into trouble because of the war. And with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, he devoted almost all of his time to this task. Maksym was able to organize, via an agreement with the Silpo supermarket chain, the provision of food products for the then-occupied territories of the Kyiv region. Also, thanks to the suppliers, in particular the factory in Zhytomyr, he handed over several tons of flour for baking bread. Maksym Tkachenko also helps our defenders. Yes, even before the start of a full-scale invasion, he was looking for people ready to buy drones and transfer them to the Armed Forces. In the spring, when all structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were constantly searching for and detaining the sabotage-reconnaissance groups, he sent tourniquets and food to the Odesa police.

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